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Houndshow 2018 Critique

I got my first dog – a deerhound bitch – as a young boy in the 1950's.That has indeed influenced my life – I worked as a kennel boy in England -Enterkine Kennels Miss MM bell –
and got my basic know how from the English tradition – and that has lasted as the reference all my life.
As an all breed judge from the 1990's my view on health and type in dogs has broadened and I am impressed by the fact that so many breeds have developed and changed for bettter and for worse.
Comparing the deerhounds in the last half of the 19th century I can conclude that some general qualities have been lost and some are well retained. What really strikes me though is the fact that hind quarters show the same poor construction now as they did 60 years ago. Many dogs are very narrow in hocks and some are seriously cow hocked. This is rather strange since the action viewed from side in many of the narrow ended dogs are both nice and sound and breed typical. I find that only hounds with thin second highs do not have strong enough  movement. So the width of the second thigh viewed from side may be a better indicator of function than just narrowness viewed from behind. Another thing that I have noticed all over the world is that the standard’s text that the croup shall be falling – ” Loin well arched and drooping to tail.” – has resulted in a misunderstanding and resulted in overly cut away topline and hindquarters too much under the dog. The deerhound is supposed to have the same type of mild S-ccurved topline as the greyhound giving freedom and strength to the hind action.

I certainly did appreciate a lot the hounds entered under me although the things I brought up are important and in fact an issue all over the world. The mentality and attitude of the Deerhound has indeed not changed and are still the reasons for why this breed is so much loved.
It is heartbraking to experience that special leaning towards me that these hounds use to show
their affection and basic trust for us human beings. It is very seductive and makes you feel the warmth in the heart!
 And also  makes you wonder if the theory is true that dogs are socialised wolves– I think that the early dogs were simply very relation talented animals who discovered that it is very nice
to make friendship with us human beings.
I had a great time with the big entry and it was very nice to meet older deerhound friends and; new ones
– I was particularly impressed  and supported by my young intelligent and efficient steward Miss Natalie Heathcote and certainly also by all the family Heathcote!

BEST OF BREED : 1068 HELPS Dr S Beardswood Quintessence 
Dog CC : 1054 CONSTANTINE Mrs K Ch Kaleginy The Forester Sh.CM 
Res Dog CC : 1082 PEACH Mr & Mrs G & M Kilbourne Shrike 
Bitch CC : 1068 HELPS Dr S Beardswood Quintessence 
Res Bitch CC : 1042 ABBOTT, Miss L & CONSTANTINE Mrs K Kaleginy Magnolia Steel 
Best Puppy : 1045 BAILEY Mr & Mrs G & N B Greyflax Pearls A Singer 
Best Veteran : 1068 HELPS Dr S Beardswood Quintessence 
Best Special Beginner : 1076 MAIER Miss B Hyndsight Free Fallin 

Class 251 PD (4/2)
1st: 1095 SWANSON Mr I R & Mrs L Cotherstone Dallas Dhu Of Altimarlach

A puppy of excellent size for his age and in general nicely masculine. Honest and a little workmanlike. Moved with very typical gait. Head very nice with  correct eyes and ears. Excellent bone and substance. A little straight in shoulder and upper arm but anyway a nice balance between front and rear angulation. Excellent length of back, and moving with great breed type.

2nd: 1060 DAWSON, Mr N D & Mrs E I & DAWSON Mr A P Stranwith Ratagan At Stubbylee

Very beautiful profile outline and a bit more elegant than winner but not his bone. A little flat in side and a touch feminine. A bit high and uncollected in front action. Will develop. Excellent tail and balance in front and rear angulation.

Class 252 JD (5/1) 

1st: 1082 PEACH Mr & Mrs G & M Kilbourne Shrike

This is a strikingly beautiful young dog with great lines and proportions. Stood out in the class – Likely to have a great future – Awarded Reserve CC – can develop a bit in breed type in action but is pleasingly sound in action.

2nd: 1105 WINSTANLEY Mr M R & Mrs T M Leonard From The Shadows

Needs to develop in depth. Very nice shoulder Nice head with correct details. Excellent angulatioon in rear. – uncollected in front action and rather narrow in hocks.

3rd: 1092 STEELE, Ms L & TANNANT Mr P J Greyhawks Romanie Lacho With Tannantside

 Classical pointed head. Topline bit overdone, narrow in rear but good breed type in action.Tail a little overringed.

Res: 1079 METSELAAR-WILLIAMS Mrs J A Kaleginy Eldrigg At Grendel 

Moderate size, masculine head. Turning out in front, narrow in hocks. Excellent coat, excellent tail

Class 253 YD (2/1)

1st: 1058 CUMMINGS Mrs S Killoeter Tam Dubh

Very pleasing masculine dog with excellent head. Excellent bone and body with correct width and breadth of body. Correct balance between angulation front to rear. Covering ground very well and correct feet. A very good deerhound.

Class 254 SBD (1/0)

1st: 1077 MARTLEW Miss J K Claonaiglen Finart

Nice dog but not in optimal show condition due to operation - Lovely head and very ncie set of neck flat in ribcage – nice bone excellent coat quality – does not want to show well in action.

Class 255 PGD (5/1)

1st: 1093 STUART, Ms M A & HOLT Ms K M Ollandsheart Abraham

Excellent size – a trifle low on legs. Nice head, beautiful lines and curves and set of neck. Great body and forechest. Typical action which is sound enough. Excellent coat.

2nd: 1091 STEELE Mrs L Sorimsway Valient Hero

Handsome upstanding with pleasing height of legs. A little long in back but pleasing top and underline. Excellent breed type in action. Could have a bit better balance between front and rear angulation.

3rd: 1089 SMITH Mrs J & Mr J G Hyndsight Timespace At Julam

Outstanding lines in standing – of model idea! Great balance in proportions and very nice head. – My winner at first sight of this class but had to stand back due to out turning front and cow hocked in rear. No energy in action.

Res: 1088 SAMWAYS Ms C Erpingham Magnus Cassacre

Could have better harmony in lines Straight in front and flat in ribcage – narrow in  rear but has  breed typical action.
Class 256 LD (4/0)

1st: 1052 BAUMANN Mrs S Packway Loxley Norton

Big strong male with generous lines proportions and curves. Nice head, a bit steep in front and turning out a bit in front feet. Nice length in step, In all a pleasing mature dog.

2nd: 1084 PEACH Mr & Mrs G & M Kilbourne Lloyd

Very pleasing quality young dog with excellent lines and proportions and great angulation, balance front to rear. Sound and typical in action - pressed winner strongly. Will win when matured.

3rd: 1062 GIRLING Miss M J Pyefleet Tarka

Mature masculine dog excellent volume in body. A bit unconcentrated in action.

Res: 1101 TROTMAN, Mrs P & DOCKREE Ms K Stainlonan Pageant Of Penherald

Could have some more quality, in general a bit soft in condition, could be stronger in lines in action. Great depth.

Class 257 OD (5/2)

1st: 1054 CONSTANTINE Mrs K Ch. Kaleginy The Forester Sh.CM

Well developed masculine dog of great size and proportions. Excellent head but a bit unconcentrated in ears. Beautiful neck and set of neck. Great bone and substance. Moves well. Very nice coat and tail. Shows the right balance between beauty and fine workman idea.
Awarded the Dog CC.

2nd: 1087 PEACH Mr & Mrs G & M Ch. Rubeus Hagrid To Kilbourne

Strongly built mature male with very sound action. Excellent coordination in action a bit light in eyes but could have a bit more type to his action. Generally high quality.

3rd: 1072 LEWIS Mr A & Mrs V Luckhurst Nairn

Mature male excellent length, nice substance and bone - too cow hocked and a bit steep in front.

Class 258 SpLCD (1/0)

1st: 1091 STEELE Mrs L Sorimsway Valient Hero  Repeat – from second in PGD

Class 259 VD (1/0)

1st: 1053 BAUMANN Mrs S Multi Ch Regalflight Tarloch

Nice  and high quality in good condition – head a trifle small to general balance. Lovely depth of body – a little flat on top. Correct angulation balance front to rear. Moves well but a trifle high lift in front. Typical coat for a veteran male. Great bone and substance.

Class 260 PB (10/2);

A big class showing that type of variations with are common and also quite acceptable.
A couple of excellent youngsters!

1st: 1045 BAILEY Mr & Mrs G & N B Greyflax Pearls A Singer

Feminine with excellent general construction and showing excellent angulation balance and moving very very well. Details correct and of high quality. Great substance and bone - really promising! Awarded Best Puppy

2nd: 1103 WILCE QUINTON , Mrs J & QUINTON Mr R J Kilbourne Louisa Chick At Kirjojax

Very eyecatching, a bit taller than winner. Excelling in height of legs and sound construction in front and rear. Showing very nice long lines and typical and sound enough in action. Most promising too.

3rd: 1055 CONSTANTINE Mrs K Cotherstone Seranade At Kaleginy

A stylish feminine bitch with pleasing height on legs. A bit upright in upper arm. Very nice head  Moving very well with breed type and soundness enough.

Res: 1085 PEACH Mr & Mrs G & M Kilbourne Rosa Bud

Upstanding and general quality, a little plainer in the head than above, great angulation, balance between front and rear. Could show a bit more type in action.

VHC: 1049 BARRET Ms K Stranwith Rugosa

 Feminine, a little roman in head and a little peacocky in neck. A trifle over angulated in rear

Class 261 JB (7/5)

1st: 1042 ABBOTT, Miss L & CONSTANTINE Mrs K Kaleginy Magnolia Steel

A pretty and well developed lovely bitch with beautiful head neck and top line. Very nice breed type in action and is sound enough. Awarded the  bitch reserve cc

2nd: 1066 HAWKINS Mr D & Mrs S Kaleginy Thistle At Kwaricott

Another lovely feminine bitch who is a bit more elegant than winner and showing geniune lines.
Great balance between front and rear but was very narrow in rear. Showing great breed type in action viewed from side.

Class 262 YB (2/1)

1st: 1104 WILCE QUINTON , Mrs J & QUINTON Mr R J Kilbourne Marie Claire At Kirjojax

Handsome, tall and stylish bitch showing great length and height of legs. Great type of head. A bit upright in upper arm but nice layback of shoulder and front in general. Nice body and substance. Moves with excellent breed type but narrow behind.

Class 263 SBB (3/0) all three seen before and beaten

1st: 1076 MAIER Miss B Hyndsight Free Fallin

Pretty and feminine with great proportions and lines. Does not like the show situation. Excellent set of neck. Rather upright in upper arm and cut away in croup. Nice bone .Moving ok from side.

2nd: 1078 MARTLEW Miss J K Killoeter Ulrika

A bit childish and a little insignificant. Nice and typical attitude.

3rd: 1097 TAN, Ms P & HELPS Dr S A Beardswood Uliana

A bit unconcentrated in line. A bit high over rump. Moving OK viewed from side. Lacks a bit of quality.

Class 264 PGB (7/2)

1st: 1046 BAILEY Mr & Mrs G & N B Greyflax Ruby Tuesday

Nice strong bitch with quality and style - a little flat on top. Well placed front part and excellent set of neck. Moves very well. In strong nice condition, great coat.

2nd: 1056 CONSTANTINE Mrs K Kaleginy Antheia

Feminine and nice as a whole.Very nice lines – excellent topline and balance in angulation
could have some more forechest - Moves narrow behind.

3rd: 1073 LEWIS Mr A & Mrs V Neroche Juniper

Feminine - classical pointed muzzle. Could have a bit softer set of neck.Moves very well seen from side – rather narrow behind.

Res: 1063 GIRLING Miss M J Pyefleet Vita

Big bitch lacking a bit quality – light in eyes, needs a better layback of shoulder and fore chest Moves well from side. Good substance

VHC: 1094 STUART, Ms M A & HOLT Ms K M Ollandsheart Nancy
 Feminine with very nice head. Great top line . Very narrow behind.

Class 265 LB (6/1) I was a bit disappointed with this big class.

1st: 1080 MORTON, Ms A & MORGAN Mr J Chuilinn Ballad

A bit too generous in substance. Nice size. Flawless front construction - a little dip in top line but
great depth of body and construction in rear. Moved very well.

2nd: 1102 TROTMAN, Mrs P & DOCKREE Ms K Stainlonan Rend Of Penherald

Feminine and excellent proportion and pleasing lines very nice head. A bit straight in front Moving OK -  could have some more quality.
3rd: 1096 SWANSON Mr I R & Mrs L Cotherstone Brogue Of Altimarlach Sh.CM

Pleasing lines as a whole but rather up right in upper arm. Underline could be tidier.
Does not show enough correctness in action in front and rear.

Res: 1074 LUCAS, Miss R & DARGONNE Mr C J Packway Little Loxley

Nice in action. A bit short in neck and a little common in head. A little low legged. Good efficiency in action.

VHC: 1059 DAVIS Mr & Mrs M W & Y Marivon Florence

Rather long and flat on top. Light in eye moves well but could be more upstanding.

Class 266 OB (6/1)
1st: 1106 WRAGG Mrs J Ch Neroche Jeska

A very beautiful bitch with classical lines and proportions. Great height of legs and excellent front and moving very well. Great body giving a classical general type impression.

2nd: 1081 MORTON, Ms A & MORGAN, Mr J & CONSTANTINE Mrs K Cotherstone Islay Mist At Kaleginy

A well developed stronger bitch, with excellent proportions, great set of neck. Could be a little more refined in head. Excellent depth of body, moves well but a little high in front action

3rd: 1047 BAILEY Mr & Mrs G & N B Greyflax Lady Sings The Blu's

Pleasing as a whole in lines. Could be a little deeper in body and needs a bit more forechest. Excellent top line and hindquarter. Nice correct breed type in action.

Res: 1100 TAYLOR Mrs S J Minerva Mcgonagall Of Ormanstar

Nice head and lines - a bit short in upper arm. Very nice hindquarters and excellent depth of body. Moves well.

VHC: 1075 LUCAS, Miss R & DARGONNE Mr C J Hyndsight Reason To Believe

Lovely typed general picture and lines but not good in rear.

Class 267 SpLCB (2/0) Repeat

1st: 1074 LUCAS, Miss R & DARGONNE Mr C J Packway Little Loxley
2nd: 1075 LUCAS, Miss R & DARGONNE Mr C J Hyndsight Reason To Believe

Class 268 VB (1/0) 

1st: 1068 HELPS Dr S Beardswood Quintessence

Tall beautiful quality bitch with great general balance. Beautiful classical proportions and the right softness in sweep and curves of outline Sound in construction and movement -
Exceptionally correct croup with length. Awarded bitch CC and Best of breed and ended up reserve BIS in hound group

Judge: Dr Goran Bodegard